I’m also not sure, if this is really the case, what GoPro/Cineform could do about it now that Apple has closed off any avenue for third parties to extend OS X’s media capabilities.

I wonder why this happened, without announcement, and in a point release of the software. I had hoped that iMovie, being cut from the same codebase as Final Cut Pro, would be exempt from this dumbing-down. This is why, for example, Perian no longer works.

Unlike Quicktime, AV Foundation only supports a limited set of video formats, and does not allow for external plugins that add support for other formats. I’m not sure exactly what’s going on, but if I were to hazard a guess it’s that OS X Yosemite and iMovie are continuing with Apple’s migration away from Quicktime (which allowed for third-party video codec plugins, like CineForm’s CFHD plugin) to AV Foundation, the media framework from iOS that Apple has brought back across to OS X. I’m not really excited about the latter option as that means yet a third copy of my video, and I won’t be able to tweak videos in GoPro Studio after I’ve exported them. To work around this limitation, I’ll either have to switch to doing all my video editing in GoPro Studio (which is pretty limited) or export my videos to an h.264 encoding from GoPro Studio so iMovie can use them. It can import the original, pre-converted videos from the GoPro, but thanks to the ProTune recording mode, those videos require extensive color manipulation to look good (which GoPro studio does as part of its conversion process). Unfortunately, that workflow is now broken because iMovie no longer recognizes the CFHD video format. I can then use iMovie, which I quite like, to edit my videos, add music, etc. After color correcting the clips, I’ll import them into iMovie and then deduplicate them using a script so that I can still use GoPro Studio to make further color tweaks while editing in iMovie. GoPro Studio understands ProTune, and offers nice color correction and exposure controls - much better than iMovie can offer. From there, I convert them into an editing-friendly CFHD (CineForm HD) format using GoPro Studio. I shoot video with my GoPro using the “ ProTune” mode, and then import those videos onto my Mac. To back up a bit, I’ll explain how I usually work with GoPro videos. I also couldn’t import converted video into iMovie anymore. After doing so, I realized that all my previously-imported GoPro videos wouldn’t play in iMovie anymore, showing as “empty” tracks instead. I recently upgraded my MacBook to OS X 10.10 Yosemite, and at the same time accepted the automatic upgrade of iMovie to version

Recently, I’ve been enjoying using my GoPro camera with iMovie to put together silly little videos. Update June 25, 2015: iMovie 10.0.9 has been released which fixes the problem I describe below. Converted GoPro Videos Don't Work in iMovie on Yosemite