After they leave Claire and Brian decide to have sex in their swapped bodies.Chris Young is the main protagonist of Different Perspectives, Matchmaker, and various other series. Izzy uses a warp stone to send her and Chris home since she is too drunk to teleport properly on her own. The couples both remained swapped for the time being. The couples decide to call it a night before they all get too much more drunk and head off for the night. By the end of the game after most of the table has redressed Izzy wins as she is fully transformed into Chris' body but is only one left not fully clothed and remains shirtless. Eventually Chris and Izzy are fully transformed as each other with Izzy maintaining the blue streaks in her hair as Chris and Chris making the strips in his hair Green as a sign of his emerald blood much to each other's amusement. While the two of them admit they've done it a few times before doing alternate gender versions of themselves, not transformed as each other, Chris and Izzy are a bit offset by the idea not too eager to have sex while swapped. Claire and Brain talk ask Chris and Izzy about having swapped sex. In order to keep the game going Brian and Chris suggest they add in the rule of swapping the cloths they've stripped as a round 3 and the game goes one several more hands.

The game continues but when Chris is nearly fully swapped into Isabelle, he begins to get even more tipsy as he's drunken much more but is losing tolerance due to being in her body which is much more of a light weight. Izzy also points out the transformations are all in good fun, but she seems to be getting a bit too tipsy even going as far to blurt out her hand before a round begins much to Claire's annoyance. Chris however assures her he's fine with it as he knows Izzy isn't like that and sees her as the love of his life. At some point Claire asks Chris if he's okay with the swapping aspect of the game as she remember hearing about his bad experiences with transforming with his ex-girlfriend Holly. The Game continues with Chris and Brian being the first to gender swap and Izzy and Claire not too far behind them.

Who will come out on top as the winner? Although, with all the stripping and transformations, aren’t we all winners?” Production “Claire, Brian, Chris, and Isabelle continue their sexy game of Swap Poker.